Couldn’t have asked for more – January’s HU was fantastic!

Thanks in part to the daytime temperatures that were in the mid-50’s, a large crowd turned out last night to enjoy playing/singing and listening to some great music….just take a look at some of the pictures (remember that you can click on the picture to enlarge it).
The food was great, as usual. Donna served up tall cheeseburgers and plump brats. Pat & Bonnie brought homemade cookies.
We welcomed the return of some old friends and also made some new ones during the evening. The sound system worked great. The wireless mic perched on the mobile stand was a hit. Doc mic’d his bass and played it sideways on his lap like a guitar. Poor guy…someone should tell him how to play it correctly. : ) It kind of looked weird but it sounded good. Just shortly after someone from the crowd asked me about where Jim and Carolyn were, they showed up. I sure like Carolyn’s white guitar with the intricately carved eagle in the sound hole. We all love Jim’s singing and harmonica playing. David & Kathy were there…and David and Kathleen were also there. I bet it’s pretty rare for that to occur at a jam. I bet we were the only jam to have that happen last night.
A newcomer, Stephen, entertained us with his fast fiddle playing.
Just to let you know, we also have a jam every Wednesday night (6:30 – 10 pm) at the church. There’s a dinner provided just before the jam (5:30 – 6:15pm). The dinner is a freewill donation type dinner.
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